Chapter 2: Operating Your Camera
Chapter 3: Determining Exposure
Title: CCM Cat
Subject: Neighbor Cat
Concept: Shooting on the Go
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Recently bought SB-700 Speed light and I really dived in the manual to learn it inside and out. I gotten tired of shooting Object that became tedious but nevertheless I have to start somewhere. How can i capture living things if i cannot bring non living things to life. I got off work like i normally do and the neighbor cat was outside being VERY friendly. I reach for my camera bang and started to photographs plants right across from me. My cat does not like any video camera or camera so the plants was going to be the highlight of my photography day.Something told me to site outside even though i was extremely tired and hungry; not to mention i have work the next day. My neighbor saw the camera and really feel in love with it instantly. The cat rolled over, gave expression, allow me to photograph up close, make sure i was keeping up with her speed and so many many more. I photograph her once "Click" and i fell instantly in love.

The cat felt the need to get creative and sat there waiting for my to "click" then she will softly rotate her head for another shock. After 10 minutes of shooting her i forgot she was an animal. The cat was a CCM (Creative Confident Mover) . If only REAL Models/ human can see how she move, they 2 can become a CCM! The lens was 18-55mm and havn't had a set lens I wanted to shoot from because I was letting my creativity flow. I tired to stay consist with 3 popular MM "24mm, 35mm and 50mm". My lens was NOT fix with an f/stop of 3.5-5.6. For non technique photograph this lens kind of restrict me from my creative range. I do'not have a fix lens so the lens range has to contently be re-focus to photograph (which isn't a major problem), Exposure Lock need to come in handy so i will keep the same exposure through the shoot, and opening and closing the Ap can only go so far (Thank God I'm getting a 50mm Fix).

The good side was the lighting was where i in vision it to be, I control my Speed light to project enough light to fill out the photograph and i made sure my subject was well focus on the job. In my book (Chapter 5) There is a speed light technique called "Bounce Flash" that fills out the room or at least the photograph you are capturing. These technique helped me out in 3 ways; Cats are sensitive of sound and light so eliminating the flash in the cat eyes will make the shoot go alot smoother, The speed light can bounce on my deck roof which make the speed-light successful, and the rotation and flexibility of the speed light kept up with the speedy cat. Babies and Sometimes animals aren't use to Camera's and flashes so they will most lightly be alarm and impatient for you to capture them. Thinking on your toes and in vising before hand will land you your ideal shoot even though it wasn't unplanned (Chapter 1).

In (Chapter 3) Determining Exposure to capture Fast objects; up the ISO, Speed up or down the Shutter speed, and then determine your Aperture. Let me break it down more. ISO ranges from 100-H1with 100 being the lowest. Depending on your lighting you increase it in there is not enough lighting falling around. The Shutter Speed number depends on what you are capturing and what you WANT to capture. The higher the shutter speed the more you can stop the subject and the decreasing number of light that's traveling (Unless you have a handy flash). Or you decrease your Aperture 1/60 (Standard for VR), 1/50, 1/40 . The lower the Aperture the more you need to sit still or use a tripod. Lucky there was enough light falling and ISO and Speed light was in a normal range so the photograph was successful.
Working with a limited F/stop can be challenging so i have to think on creativity how to add more life and light in my photographs by using what determines exposure. The higher number of F/stop the less light is let in (Hence the BIG hoods on a camera lens) and the lower number of F/stop the more light is let in (Hence the LITTLE hoods. These 3 chapters taught me learning these basic functions on how to produce a successful photograph will help me in the long run when dealing with clients or subjects that disables one of these factors. I just completed Chapter 4 (Choosing lens) Chapter 5 (Finding all about flash) has indefinably gave me knowledge on 2 majorly deciding factors on what i want to capture. Choosing a lens that gives me the creative range i need will give me the photographs i desire, and now purchase the SB-700 lets me have MORE control of lighting then my pop up flash. As i go deeper in the book it's now helping me to become a better photographer.
To Know the "Geek Specs" On each of the Photographs and the FULL BLOWN photographs
Until Next Time
Raymond Woods
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