RAY WOODS PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTINE "Model Portfolio Development Shoot
"Photography like any other is a business. However, this business for the most part is our artistry and we shoot with passion and love. When others admire the love and beauty that we put forth, it puts a smile on our face. When we take what we like to call our “defining shots” is when we take photographs that no matter what we do in the future, these images will always, always be remembered."
We was discovered
So many of you guys have questioned a bit "Why you always shoot Christine" . It's simple; She's a model. Need anymore more?
Well I met Christine in class when i started to take pictures of mainly everything except people. The way she talk and walk captivated my mind and so i knew i need to shoot her. At this time i have really no knowledge of photography, lighting, etc. i just knew i needed to shoot her asap!
I never talk to her personality so it was a challenge. Until i told myself i want to shoot people. I walk up to her one day and i said "i love your look, the way you carry yourself and pose. Can i shoot you" right now."
Till this day she says "But Ray I'm not ready. I look a mess". and i always say "No you don't. Fix your hair and pose". She's full of personality and shy but when i click that camera she transform. I never seen anybody move the way she do. 5% Directions and that's it! I literally took 75 frames of her and did not want to stop. But we had to because the teacher was coming. I never knew that day would change how we both viewed the world. January 11 is when i started b logging and our careers started.
Seeing Potential
Seeing potential in Christine gave me the opportunity to test pretty much anything creatively by using using her. We did some crazy shoots but it was that experimenting that developed our eyes in skills. The reason why I 75% of the time post Christine shoots up is to Show everyone how we both progress going into this insane industry. Christine can really model and was discovered by me. Christine is the only model by far that can move in the way other girls cannot. Need more ?
Seeing potential in her and her seeing potential in me gotten us to the places we are today. Just like seeing something in her i have to see what makes my model/client stand apart from the rest and how can i evolve that skill/flaw.

When i first look at a model or potential model i have visualize everything! What her hair does to the light, does her hair sell the product. How her hands are shape. Does her hands look like claws or does it look gracefully in pictures. How does he/she body move with the cloths. Does he/she owns the cloths or the other way around. As an up and coming Fashion photographer these are some of the things that run through my my mind when i first meet the model. How to spot out a Great model in the making? Let me brake it down
The 1st impressions
When meeting the lovely Model you meet by shaking hands, hugging, and greeting with a pleasant smile. If it's your client that wants to work with you mostly they will try to impress you the best they can. If it's from an agency sometime it might not be so pleasant. STILL your there to do a job!
You meet the model to discuss the concept of it. You already know the concept and your model can catch on with ease. YOU (as the photographer) are there to feel the model out. If this is your client he/she personality will shine. This is a great sign. Like Tyra banks said, "A photographer and a model need to have that one and one connection" so lets connect models!
How to sell your self
Your apparel/hair/Posture Counts. Wearing a tank top shirt with, Basic jeans, hair tied back with Heels & shoes you have brought with you and a baggy with a small make up kit can surely have you book for a job for a designer. Same thing works with a photographer who thinking about doing a *TF! Presenting yourself as a blank muse to a photographer, designer and agencies is very impressive. Knowing how to pose the best way you can with a Polaroid, walking a couple times back and froths, and having your portfolio ready for your clients is being professional. So when booking a Photographer/Designer/Agenies (in this case Photographer) i want to see and look for those things within models. Christine didn't have the whole modeling thing down pack but when i was ready to have a big shoot she study, research, etc to know what she need when she steps on the set. It's that determination and drive that can give her a long career.
The Team
As for as shoots go iam now trying to build a team of people who i can you use for shoots. I'am never shy to ask for a MUA or a Stylist. In my eyes you don't need know high -end stylist that you mostly have to pay that you can pretty much do yourself. So heres the networking power comes. For me i know people who i go to school with who are into fashion as i can and would love to help out for a shoot. We all have to start somewhere. I'm just making that much easier for myself to control the over all shoot. I know that MUA an a stylist makes or breaks a shoot. Without a make Artist your model will look dry and without a stylist your model will look tasteless. Simple as that. Building a team that knows your style and you can trust would make a successful shoot. Once the team is establish, looks very professional, and ready to go your model will fill at ease.
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